Summer 2023 premieres!

This summer marks the world premieres of three of my works: First Snow for solo guitar, Seaglass for guitar quartet, and New Oceans for plucked string orchestra.

First Snow for solo guitar, commissioned by the Guitar Foundation of America for its Spotlight Series, was premiered on June 21, 2023 by the talented 15-year old guitarist Vivian Wang at the GFA Convention in NYC, held at Manhattan School of Music as the opening to the Mamedkuliev/Masters/Perroy concert.

Seaglass for guitar quartet, commissioned by the Lazaretto Guitar Quartet (Stuart, FL), received its world premiere public performance on July 17 by Atlantic Guitar Quartet at the Peabody Summer Guitar Intensive in Baltimore, MD. Click here for ticket info.

New Oceans for plucked string orchestra was commissioned by Bundesjugendzupforchester, the premiere youth plucked string orchestra of Germany. It was premiered by them on July 28, 2023, in Löwensaal in Dresden.


Article on “Western Vista” published by Mahidol University Music Journal, Thailand


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